
EADDRINUSE, Address already in use

Kill all node processes.

pkill node

Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component

React in both packages/mobile/package.json and packages/web/package.json need to be the same version since they're shared in Yarn Workspaces (unless you add nohoist).

Auth0 login hangs on Android virtual device

Your Android virtual device (AVD) must use Android 11. expo/issues/9845

FatalError: relation \"todos\" already exists

Reset your docker Postgres volume. This wipes any existing data.

docker rm <project name>_postgres_1
docker volume rm <project name>_db_data

pulumi:providers: no resource plugin found in the workspace or on your \$PATH, install the plugin

This can occur locally or in continuous deployment (CD) with GitHub actions.

If locally, run the command in the error message to install the plugin.

If on GitHub actions, you must setup and deploy the production stack locally first before GitHub actions can deploy. pulumi/issues/2097

To deploy the production stack run:

cd packages/pulumi-aws
pulumi stack select production
pulumi up

Something is already running on port 3000

Check which service is running on the port.

sudo lsof -i tcp:3000

Kill it (ex. node)

pkill node

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

If either of the following URLs returns an empty response:

  • Hasura backend: https://hasura.[YOUR DOMAIN].com/v1/graphql
  • Apollo Server Express backend: https://server.[YOUR DOMAIN].com/graphql

If you just launched the service, Fargate can sometimes take a few minutes to come up. If it's been over ten minutes, try re-provisioning Fargate and the associated listener and target group. To do that, comment out the Fargate resource in packages/pulumi-aws/index.ts:

--- a/packages/pulumi-aws/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pulumi-aws/index.ts
@@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ const { connectionString } = new Rds("server-db", {
-new Fargate(path.basename(serverPath), {
- certificateArn,
- domain: serverDomain,
- image: awsx.ecs.Image.fromDockerBuild("image", {
- context: "../..",
- dockerfile: `${serverPath}/Dockerfile`,
- }),
- env: {
- DATABASE_URL: connectionString,
- CORS_ORIGIN: webUrl,
- },
+// new Fargate(path.basename(serverPath), {
+// certificateArn,
+// domain: serverDomain,
+// image: awsx.ecs.Image.fromDockerBuild("image", {
+// context: "../..",
+// dockerfile: `${serverPath}/Dockerfile`,
+// }),
+// env: {
+// DATABASE_URL: connectionString,
+// CORS_ORIGIN: webUrl,
+// },
+// });

Then run:

pulumi up --yes

Undo the changes above in packages/pulumi-aws/index.ts then again run:

pulumi up --yes

Failed to compile. import/no-extraneous-dependencies

If you see this type of error despite these libraries included in packages/web/ then node_modules is likely corrupt.

[Web] Failed to compile.
[Web] ./src/App.tsx
[Web] Line 3:1: '@date-io/date-fns' should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run 'npm i -S @date-io/date-fns' to add it import/no-extraneous-dependencies

This can be fixed with a clean install of node modules. From the root of the project run:

rm -rf **/node_modules

Role “postgres” doesn’t exist OR Password authentication failed for user “postgres”

You likely have another Postgres server already running. Create Full Stack runs Postgres in a Docker container on localhost at port 5432. This is what a local installation of Postgres uses by default. You need to stop your existing Postgres server.

On MacOS:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop
# OR with homebrew
brew services stop postgresql

On Linux:

sudo service postgresql stop

Error parsing JWK from url

You're likely using an old Auth0 Tenant that incorrectly sets the xt5 in the JWK URL (40 bytes instead of 20). Rotate your signing key to fix.