
Apollo Server Express

If included, run from packages/server.

Common commands are shown below. Additional commands are documented on the TypeORM docs.

yarn typeorm migration:run

Executes all pending migrations and runs them in a sequence ordered by their timestamps. This means all sql queries written in the up methods of your created migrations will be executed.

yarn typeorm migration:revert

Executes down in the latest executed migration. If you need to revert multiple migrations you must call this command multiple times.

yarn typeorm migration:generate -n <title>

Automatically generate migration files in the format {TIMESTAMP}-{title}.ts with schema changes you made.


If included, run from packages/server.

Common commands are shown below. Additional commands are documented on Hasura's docs. Learn more about Hasura migrations on Hasura's migration guide.

yarn hasura migrate apply

Applies all migrations to the database.

yarn hasura migrate status

Displays the current status of migrations on a database.

Resetting Docker Postgres locally

Sometimes you may need to completely wipe your local Postgres DB running on Docker. For instance, you're developing Create Full Stack and switching between Auth0 and no auth ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

docker rm <project name>_postgres_1
docker volume rm <project name>_db_data

This removes the Docker container and the associated volume.