Getting Started

Create Full Stack (CFS) generates a boilerplate Todo app for you, integrating the tools you select. It provides the glue between the libraries and frameworks. No more stitching together random blog posts guessing about best practices. Build scalable applications on a solid foundation. CFS works on macOS, and Linux.


  • Yarn >= v1.12.0
  • Docker >= 1.25.5
  • Node ^12.10 || 14.x
    • You can use nvm to switch Node versions

Check versions:

yarn --version
docker-compose --version
node --version

CFS support for npm will be added when npm v7 is stable, which contains the required workspaces feature.


yarn create full-stack my-full-stack

Follow the instructions generated in my-full-stack/development.html to complete the setup. Then try spinning up the full stack locally.

cd my-full-stack
yarn start

Development URLs

yarn start brings up the development stack locally. The following URLs are available if the given services are selected.


If auth is enabled, expect:

  • A redirect to your Auth0 login page from web
  • An authorization error from the backend APIs

Setup VSCode (recommended IDE/Editor)

When opening the project in VSCode, click on the dialog to install recommended extensions which automatically:

  • Format on save
  • Lint on save
  • Understand Dockerfiles
  • Spellcheck