Create Full Stack

Generate a TypeScript full stack with one command


Choose your stack

Hasura provides a GraphQL API and developer web console on top of Postgres as a service. Configure the database and permissions on the web console.
Apollo Server Express generates a TypeScript, Express, Node, and TypeORM stack with Apollo Server for resolving GraphQL requests.
Auth0 provides authentication and user management as a service. It has one-click integrations with every identity provider (Google, Facebook, Twitter etc.).
This won't be included in your code base.
Pulumi is an infrastructure as code (IAC) platform for defining your cloud resources on AWS or Auth0 in TypeScript. Create Full Stack comes with a Pulumi resources library.
This won't be included in your code base.
Create Full Stack scaffolds a TypeScript React app with Create React App. The stack includes Apollo Client , Material UI , and React Router.
This won't be included in your code base.
Create Full Stack scaffolds a TypeScript React Native app with Expo. The stack includes Apollo Client , React Native Elements , and React Navigation.
This won't be included in your code base.
Includes configuration for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) through GitHub Actions which run on any code push to GitHub.
This won't be included in your code base.

Check dependencies

yarn --version

Must be at or above v1.22 (install).

docker-compose --version

Must be at or above v1.25.5 (install). Docker must be running.

node --version

Must be at or above v12.10 or v14 (excluding non LTS v13 and v15). You can use nvm to download or upgrade versions.


Generate codebase

yarn create full-stack --backend hasura --authentication auth0 --cloud aws --web react --mobile react-native --cicd github-actions

Run this command in the terminal to generate your codebase based on your stack selection above.



Additional features

Open source

Create Full Stack is free and open source under the MIT license

Simple commands

Single start local development command for the full stack


Monorepo with workspaces set up for code sharing

Consistent configuration

Cross platform configuration with .env.{development|production} files


Automated TypeScript code generation from GraphQL

Tests included

Cross platform Jest testing

Code formatting and linting

Formatting with Prettier and linting with ESLint following the Airbnb style guide

Migration support

Postgres migration configuration included with Hasura or TypeORM

VSCode configuration

Suggested VSCode extensions with configuration